
EUX diverse and high-quality shutters

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EUX shutter mechanisms and accessories

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EUX diverse and high-quality shutters

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EUX diverse and high-quality shutters

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Business cooperation

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Mission and vision

What do we want to achieve with EUX products?


Information on the world of shutters and the Company


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Frequently asked questions abut aluminium shutters

Joinery production

Modern and cutting-edge production

Why EUX shutters?

What makes EUX shutters special?

Continuous development

Grow your business with EUX products

Customer service and support

EUX is your loyal business partner

EUX Mehanizmi

Mehanizmi za sve vrste alu grilja i lamela

EUX Rolice i poluge

Rolice i poluge za popratne lamele alu grilja

EUX Ostali okov

ล irok i raznolik asortiman dodatne opreme za alu grilje

13 models of shutters at your disposal


Facade aluminium shutters with a frame installed onto the facade edge


Curved shutters with a frame installed onto the facade edge


Shutters with a mosquito net


Shutters with an integrated mosquito net


Frameless shutters installed directly onto the stone


Curved shutters


Foam filled blinds, Dalmatian blinds, Istrian blinds


Pannelled shutter without visible wing edges


Traditional pannelled shutter with reinforcement


Frameless shutters installed onto the window jamb


Sliding (harmo) and folding shutters


Sliding shutters


EUX sliding shutter with a frame

Intelligent and innovative

Continuous development of aluminium joinery

EUX development plans are oriented towards a strong export strategy, focusing on the strengthening their position in the regional markets where the Company is operating. High expectations of the set goal are based on a vast experience and motivated employees, focusing their creativity on the Companyโ€™s development.

Production control

Efficient development of the aluminium joinery

All the EUX products are subject to monitoring and carry a CE marking according to the European standard EN 13659. The production is organised in line with ISO standards, following and meeting the most stringent requirements and conditions.


The Company establishes the continuous development, stability and growth through the AAA creditworthiness rating certificate, showing and confirming the continuous development of EUX aluminium joinery.

A long-term orientation towards the production of high-quality EUX shutters and fittings and the meeting the requirements of their customers and business partners have secured the EUX Company a high position among the accessories and aluminium shutters manufacturers in the region.

Following trends

Continuous improvement

Modern times require new improvements and progress in terms of different engineering, architectural and design features, such as thermal and acoustic insulation, sunlight and weather conditions control and the possibilities of aesthetic forms and shapes.


EUX products present an ideal solution to all kinds of inquiries owing to the cutting-edge technology and systems used.

EUX sistemi za grilje kontinuirani razvoj alu stolarije prekrasna referenca

Professional development

Reliable business partner

EUX products present the highest authority within the industry and are continuously developing their potential, quality and application through a continuous development of aluminium joinery and its production.

We provide our business partners, end users and customers with top-quality products in the efficient and optimal way, following the existing and setting new trends and technology in the market.

EUX proizvodi predstavljaju vrhunski autoritet u svom polju rada te neprestano razvijaju svoj potencijal, kvalitetu i primjenu kroz kontinuirani razvoj svoje proizvodnje i stolarije. Svojim partnerima, krajnjim korisnicima i klijentima, pruลพamo top kvalitetu na efikasan i optimalan naฤin, prateฤ‡i i razvijajuฤ‡i nove trendove i tehnologije na trลพiลกtu.

Explore the products and the Company

EUX aluminium joinery

eux sistemi za grilje odabir modela zaria

Aluminium shutters

Top-quality aluminium shutters

Shutter Accessories

Wide mechanism and fittings product range


EUX is the authority in its industry

EUX sistemi za aluminijske grilje kvalitetna stolarija grilja i za najmanji detalj okova


Certified and safe, well-organised business operation


Frequent questions on the continuous development of aluminium joinery:

Why invest in the continuous development of aluminium joinery?

The adaptability of aluminium as a construction material presents the best solution for a variety of engineering, architectural and design projects. They can be implemented using the high-quality aluminium joinery. By investing into the continuous development of aluminium joinery, a continuous progress is ensured in all the areas of construction and design requiring efficient, effective and optimal solutions.

What is achieved by a continuous development?

A continuous development provides a constant growth of the Company, its products, as well as the achieving of competitiveness and authority in the market. The continuous development of aluminium joinery represents a permanent goal set for the purpose of improving the operation quality and methodology, as well as of providing answers and solutions to modern requirements and requests.

Product adaptability and application are developed and upgraded through market analysis, following and setting trends. A continuous development forms the basis of each successful business operation..

What do we mean by the continuous development of aluminium joinery?

The continuous development of aluminium joinery implies following the trends in the areas of design, architecture and engineering. There is a variety of applications within such areas, with the complexity and project requirements ranging from the most simple to the most demanding ones. The EUX aluminium joinery follows the trends and provides optimal solutions concerning energy efficiency. They achieve their continuous development through the implementation of new technology and mechanisms.

What can an ideal business partner offer to the EUX aluminium joinery?

The ideal business partner of the EUX aluminium joinery who will cooperate and invest with trust should provide technological, organisational and certified development conditions. In other words, the ideal business partner should have an elaborated machinery and operating technology, accompanied and supervised by professional and qualified personnel, in order to be able to provide the best operating conditions to the distributors.

What are the aluminium joinery development possibilities?

The aluminium joinery development possibilities are significant and are predominantly achieved through the introduction and development of new application and mechanisation technology solutions, thus obtaining an efficient, faster, more effective and high-quality operation and end product. Another essential element of development possibilities is the personnel working in the production, design and technical product development sectors.

The development can take place in the area of design and architecture, the speed and precision of operation, personnel competence, as well as addressing the energy efficiency and insulation-related issues.

Does the aluminium joinery present a modern solution?

Owing to the composition and nature of aluminium, the EUX aluminium joinery represents a modern solution to a variety of different inquiries, interventions and applications. The lightness, strength and resistance of the material provide high-value solutions which can easily meet different needs and requirements.

EUX sistemi za aluminijske grilje ลพenska osoba ima projekt na umu

Have you got a project in mind?

You have found the right business partner! โ€“ EUX shutter systems provide you with a top quality and affordable service, as well as a long experience and authority within the industry.

Feel free to present us your business plan or the building on which you wish to install EUX shutters. Our technical support and advisory departments remain at your disposal. Just choose a shutter model, , and we will define the remaining details during the project implementation.